Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gardening - How to really be the envy of your neighbors...

So we don't have much grass to speak of, because dirt doesn't really count as a lawn, but we do have a fantastic garden. And even though our neighbors occasionally still regard us as the backwards Californians in the log house on steroids, we have some killer produce. The following pictures are just a few examples of our plenty....well, the tail end of it anyway. Tis the end of the season you know.

Dee and the giant onion named Pete of the lethal breath of fire and brimstone...or just Pete for short.
Boots. I borrowed dad's galoshes. Personally I think they look better on me anyway.
Carrots. They really improve your eyesight, or so I hear.
tiny beet HUGE amount of greens
Kinda looks like a monster or something doesn't it?
Dee's so CUTE when she's stomping around in big black boots. Maybe she should consider a career in the army. ;)
Mom vs. Giant Squash Plant now on paper view! (bet you can't guess who wins!)
Digging up potatoes is like searching for buried treasure, and let me tell you, we got some superior sized nuggets! Can't say I'm surprised though, we are in Idaho after all...
On the left we have Gwen sporting a beautiful green ensamble, perfect for the garden scene, complete with dirt down the front and bulging pockets of plenty. And on the right we have Mr. Stott in an always classic polo shirt and gray dickies, belt and matching muddy boots optional.
Radish butts. Is this nature telling us that "plumbers crack" is a totally normal phenomenon? I'll let you decide. ;D

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