Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life in progress

Well, looks like graduation is only 6 weeks away. I find that I'm more terrified than excited a/o relieved. I'm done. It's like I have the stamp on me now that says you are competent (enough), now, go make your way in the world. Except I'm not sure I'm really ready to "go get em." Heck, I don't know which 'ems I want to get! It's all a little overwhelming and slightly scary and I just don't know what to do with myself.

On a lighter note though! I'm loving my sewing class. I'm so inspired to sew all the time. I'm picking up ideas everywhere and I just want to sit at the machine all day zipping along. I think tonight and tomorrow I'm going to get my quilt pieces finished so I can put the top together on Thursday (or Wed night if I'm done by then). I'm pretty dang excited to see it all together. There will be pictures posted on here at some point. I also have a few sketches that need to get put up. That'll be up later today. So that's that. More explanation to follow when there are visuals. :)